Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Another Gift Idea For The Brothers

Click the title and check out The Daddle - saddle (and kneepads available!) for the coolest horsie rides.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Phil's Birthday's Coming...

Plug that ipod in anywhere, baby!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Speaking of the World Cup...

Title is the link...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Off to Seattle, well Bothell

Nephew Brian's Confirmation is coming up and Lori and I are leaving on a jet plane this weekend for the event.

We only have about a day and a half for the non-family, traveler experience, so I'm glad I've been out there before. We're planning on venturing up to Mount Rainier and one of visitor centers and so on.

I asked Lori what she wanted to do. Both she and I have been to the area before. Lori's been there a few more times with Brave Combo (and not me), but of course those trips are business and there's little, if any, time to be a traveler. She said that she just wanted to have a nice meal. All the band trips, you're eating at the venue or scrounging on the road at convenience stores, so eating enjoying dinner at a real restaurant in the area might be a treat!

Heart Transplants

Hey, a new post and it's not even a month since my last - Here comes the writer's cramp.

Anyhow, I'm fascinated by this story (click the title) about a girl's heart transplant. She had a transplant when she was around two years old. Doctors left her damaged heart in her body. Years later, when the transplanted heart was giving her problems, the Doctors went back in, restarted her own heart - and now we're good as new. Just incredible.