Monday, July 18, 2005

Cars and Birds

The title's a link for a UK Ford commercial - car with a special feature allowing it to react and remain poop-free when a bird gets too close. Click the title to get there. I love it.

The commercial reminds me of when we first got one of our current cars, 2000 or 2001. I don't remember which car we had that day, but we went up to Summerfest for the day. Found a great place to park downtown on the street, not in a garage. Must have been a Sunday, because we didn't have to feed the meter and we could leave it there all day. Cool - a freebie!

Anyway, it was right next to this large tree. In fact, the tree extended out over the parking space - over the car's hood.

We came back about 12 hours later to a hood nearly completely covered in gifts from the birds. Didn't know exactly how to react! I wanted to be angry and upset for my new car had been so harshly initiated, but it just looked so funny, with the white splotches only on the front of the car - There was barely anything on the windshield.

Went through the car wash quite early the next day, as I recall.


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