Thursday, March 24, 2005

Happy, Serious, Happy again - Vroom!

Yiippeee! My tickets for the Cubs/Astros game on 4/29 came today. Can't get good seats at Wrigley? Go out of state. The on-line purchase site even had a "Visiting Team Side" option for seat location.

Been listening to a lot of Matthew Sweet, The Thorns, and Saffire - The Uppity Blues Women this week. I think I need something heavier today at work - maybe some Anthrax. Ooh, no - Dark Tranquility - vocals are more growly.

Apparently I have no bedrock of moral fiber as I keep bouncing back and forth on a position with this Shaivo situation. Actually, it's fascinating to listen to one news report present a story and then a news report several days later present new information which alters my conclusions. All I've really concluded is that if you've listened to this story, no matter what you think you know about it or what you believe, and you don't have a living will shortly after that (if you didn't have one already), man, maybe you missed part of the emotional impact of the situation and how to potentially lessen it for your family given similar circumstances.

Beyond that, it does crack me up - the comments I hear like 'pull the tube - what kind of quality of life is that?' Reminds me of the self-righteous preacher's wife on The Simpsons. How about a big 'But what about the children?' everybody? The quality of another's life may not be up to your standards, but you only get one. You don't know this individual from anyone, how can you possibly understand their minimum standards for quality of life, let alone feel comfortable that you understand them enough to take a position to end that life? I'm not presenting an arguement about this particular case in Florida, per se, simply commenting on the above position in broad terms.

On a lighter note, I bought a couple of packs of (dramatic music) "Pirates of the Crimson Coast" game. Made little ships last night. Ready to play!

New Lost next week - Yay!

Got the motorcycle out of winter storage a few days ago. Felt good to get up on it again. When it gets warm I need to install the extra set of IPass velcro strips I got. No double tolls for me!


Blogger Ellipsis said...

I'm not from the States, but I've followed the Terri Shiavo case on-and-off. Not to be cruel, but if a person's been brain dead for that many years, by all accounts she hasn't really been living a life has she?

4:52 AM  
Blogger Philip Young said...

Arg! Pirates! We'll try to bring some to Pete's house on Easter and we can all play if we have time.

11:19 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

How sentimental. If she's not living a life, why all the fuss then? Since you can't live anything but a life, then your point must be that there's no life after a certain number of years of brain-dead state. Couple things then, please educate me on how many years of a brain-dead state makes a person dead? Your position that after as many years as the person in this case, helps us with this case, but what's the number? Is it 1 year? 5? 10? I'm sure people with family members who have been brain-dead for many years would be interested to know if their relative is actually dead.

Since by your definition she's dead already, what is her family waiting for? Why isn't she buried or cremated or something? Oh, that's right, she's still alive. They're waiting for her to die.

4:12 AM  

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